What is Confirmation Bias and how to outsmart it

Preventing confirmation bias is a significant challenge in user experience design. You are not alone if you struggle with confirmation bias in your UX design. Luckily, there are a variety of actions you can do to improve your projects. Here, we'll break down what confirmation bias is and how it can affect your user experience design work.


Confirmation bias is a cognitive phenomenon in which people seek and interpret information that confirms their already held beliefs. As a result of having to assess different perspectives, people may make poor decisions.

Confirmation bias is the tendency for a designer to look for data that supports the solution they have already drawn about a project. They may ignore contradictory or inconclusive evidence in order to focus only on what justifies their own ideas.


What impact does confirmation bias have on UX design? UX designers that depend too much on confirmation bias may fail to take into account critical feedback and data from end users. This could lead to designs that don't take into account the specific requirements of the target audience.

Since designers are mostly focused already-made design solutions, confirmation bias can sometimes drive them to disregard potential usability concerns or design flaws. This might result in a poor user experience and jeopardize the success of a product or website.

How to overcome confirmation bias in UX design?


Understand the user’s perspective: The first step for any UX designer is to put themselves in the user's shoes and understand what they want from the business description and, more tricky, what they need, much less obvious information. This helps you guarantee that you are designing for the correct user group and that the design is tailored to their needs.


User Research: Pay close attention to user input and data to guide your design decisions. This will make it more likely that the design will meet the expectations of the target audience. You must guarantee that the data you collect comes from a varied spectrum of consumers, not just those that corroborate your previous opinions.


Ask for alternative opinions: When building a project, it's essential to get feedback from your colleagues and analyze the project from multiple perspectives. In this way you'll get a more comprehensive understanding of the user's perspective and needs as well as you'll avoid becoming overly connected to your personal ideas.


Test your design concept: When it comes to validating design decisions and making sure they meet user demands, split testing is invaluable. This can be done by giving tests or surveys to users to get their feedback directly. This might help you detect potential design flaws and usability issues that may have arisen as a result of confirmation bias.


Don't get discouraged by negative feedback: Users' negative feedback about your design is not necessarily a sign of failure. Using this as a chance to refine and perfect your design instead. If you have an open mind and don't get too attached to your current design, you can use client feedback to drive more improvements.


Take a step back and see the big picture: If you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in your design, stand back and examine the user research and feedback you've collected. This might give you a fresh perspective and help you put the design into context.